Our new Squirrel section is now two years old and goes from strength to strength thanks to our fabulous team who have made it a great success.
We now have 17 squirrels and we are still growing. The adult to child ration is low for this age group so we would really like to find more adult helpers to come along and help grow the section even more.
The Scout Group is a charity and we are dependent entirely on subs and fundraising to cover our costs. We have kept subs at the same level for the last seven years and will do the same for the next 12 months as well as we know that everyone's budget is being squeezed from all directions.
The best way to pay subs is by Debit Card using our card reader. It's very simple, just come into the hall before or after a meeting and tell one of the leaders you would like to pay the subs by Debit Card. if your budget allows, then paying for a term in advance would be very helpful to us.
Other methods of paying subs are by a Bank Transfer at the start of each term. Talk to your section leader for details and about siblings discounts.
We will also accept cash payments if that is best for you.
We are always keen to improve the experience of attending Scouting for all our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.
Our most recent project was to upgrade our kitchen facilities and to add a new hot water system to replace our aging emersion tank.
We were successful in funding this through our fund raising activities, grants and donations and to use any subs money
Keeping our grounds neat and tidy and safe for our children to use is a challenge for us. If you have some time to help with the gardening and general upkeep of the grounds please do get in touch.