Scouts and the community

The Scouts and Guides at the 80th DD anniversary

The Scouts and Guides at the 80th DD anniversary

Flying the flag

Staplehurst Scout Group has pride in being part of the local community.

Where we can we support local events and activities such as the summer carnival and the 10k fun run. We help with the annual village clean up and in the local nature reserves.

Being active in the local community is an important part of scouting and we hope we continue to be part of what makes Staplehurst such a special place.

Every year, the Scout Group, along with our friends at Guides, participate in the Remembrance parade and ceremonies in the village.

The Beavers learning about healthy eating at Morrisons supermarket in 2019

The Beavers learning about healthy eating at Morrisons supermarket in 2019

Supporting others

The Scout group undertakes a number of fund raising activities to help us finance our activities. We are totally dependent on the funds we raise and the subs from our three groups.

One of our larger fund raising activities we undertake is the annual Scouts Christmas post. We have being delivering Christmas cards in the village of over 40 years and during this time we have delivered over 50,000 cards and raised nearly £10,000 for local charities. Our famous cardboard box sleepovers have raised hundreds of pounds for Porchlight, the childrens homeless charity.