Staplehurst Eagle Cubs

Cubs is open to all boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 10½.

Staplehurst Eagle Cubs meet on Thursdays during term time between 5.15 p.m. and 7.00 p.m.

Cub Leaders

We have 4 Leaders who run our Pack.

  • Adam Best (Akela) - Cub Scout Leader
  • Ness Johnson (Chil) - Assistant Cub Scout Leader
  • Frances Best (Baloo) - Assistant Cub Scout Leader
  • Edwin Burnham - Assistant Cub Scout Leader

If you are interested in helping our Pack, feel free to contact us at

Useful links

Staplehurst Eagle Cubs Facebook page

Staplehurst Scout Group Facebook page

Scouting website

Kent Scouts website

Cub Scout badge positions


We design a balanced programme of a variety of different activities for every term.  We don't tend to share this programme out, as we have found that the programme changes from week to week for a variety of reasons, from low attendance of Cubs (or Leaders) to a lack of interest in a particular activity.

We now message out each week with details for that week's meeting.

If you would like to receive a draft of our programme for a term, please do let us know.

Easter Term

As the days begin to become longer again, we will be looking to head out from the Centre more often.  When we do, we will give out details beforehand.

Cub Camp 2024

For this year's camp we will be heading the 4th Sevenoaks campsite between 27th - 31st July. 

Details have been sent out recently, but if you haven't received this, please let us know.


At Cubs, we regularly work towards a wide range of badges which cover a wide variety of challenges and activities. These badges can be worked towards at home as well as at meetings, you will find a link to the Cub Scout badges on the Scouting website in our useful links.

To see where each badge that can be earned by Cubs appears on their uniform click here.